CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/ 15_003/0000453

Ivan Milenkovič


Current research interests:


Diversity and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species in different natural and seminatural ecosystems in Serbia.

Isolation, morphological identification and characterization of Phytophthora species.

Ecology of Phytophthora species in different natural and seminatural ecosystems in Serbia.

Role of nurseries in introduction and spreading of invasive Phytophthora species into different natural forest ecosystems.

Interaction between Phytophthora infections and other pathogenic organisms and pests and their role in the decline of forest trees in Serbia.

Root and bark diseases of broadleaved trees.

Decay and rot fungi, their ecology, mechanisms of infections and role in the decline of different broadleaved and conifer host trees in Serbia
Needle and shoot diseases on pines and firs.


Key publications:


  1. Vemić, A., Tomšovský, M., Jung, T., Milenković. I. (2019): Pathogenicity of fungi associated with ash dieback symptoms of one-year old Fraxinus excelsior in Montenegro. Forest Pathology, e12539. (
  2. Karadžić D., Radulović Z., Sikora K., Stanivuković Z., Golubović Ćurguz V., Oszako T., Milenković I. (2019): Characterisation and Pathogenicity of Cryphonectria parasitica on Sweet Chestnut and Sessile Oak trees in Serbia. Plant Protection Science, 55(3): 191-201.
  3. Milenković, I., Keča, N., Karadžić, D., Nowakowska, J.A., Oszako, T., Sikora K., Corcobado T., Jung T. 2018. Isolation and pathogenicity of Phytophthora species from poplar plantations in Serbia. Forests, 9 (6): 330. doi: (
  4. Milenković, I., Keča, N., Karadžić, D., Nowakowska, J.A., Oszako, T., Sikora K., Tkaczyk, M. 2018. Interaction between Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Phytophthora species on young Fraxinus excelsior seedlings. The Forestry Chronicle 94(2): 135-139. (
  5. Milenković, I., Keča, N., Karadžić, D., Radulović, Z., Tomšovský, M., Jung, T. 2018. Occurrence and pathogenicity of Phytophthora ×cambivora on Prunus laurocerasus in Serbia. Forest Pathology 48(4); e12436. (
  6. Milenković, I., Tomšovský, M., Karadžić, D., Veselinović, M. 2018. Decline of Paulownia tomentosa caused by Trametes hirsuta in Serbia. Forest Pathology 48(4); e12438.
  7. Milenković, I., Jung, T., Stanivuković, Z., Karadžić, D. 2017. First report of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior in Montenegro. Forest Pathology 47(5), (doi: 10.1111/efp.12359).
  8. Jung T., Orlikowski L., Henricot B., Abad-Campos P., Aday A. G., Aguín Casal O., Bakonyi J., Cacciola S. O., Cech T., Chavarriaga D., Corcobado T., Cravador A., Decourcelle T., Denton G., Diamandis S., Doğmuş-Lehtijärvi H. T., Franceschini A., Ginetti, B., Green S., Glavendekić M., Hantula J., Hartmann G., Herrero M., Ivic D., Horta Jung M., Lilja A., Keca N., Kramarets V., Lyubenova A., Machado H., Magnano di San Lio G., Mansilla Vázquez P. J., Marçais B., Matsiakh I., Milenkovic I., Moricca S., Nagy Z. Á., Nechwatal J., Olsson C., Oszako T., Pane A., Paplomatas E. J., Pintos Varela C., Prospero S., Rial Martínez C., Rigling D., Robin C., Rytkönen A., Sánchez M. E., Sanz Ros A. V., Scanu B., Schlenzig A., Schumacher J., Slavov S., Solla A., Sousa E., Stenlid J., Talgø V., Tomic Z., Tsopelas P., Vannini A., Vettraino A. M., Wenneker M., Woodward S., Peréz-Sierra A. 2016: Widespread Phytophthora infestations in European nurseries put forest, semi-natural and horticultural ecosystems at high risk of Phytophthora diseases. Forest Pathology 46: 134-163. (doi: 10.1111/efp.12239).
  9. Milanović S., Lazarević J., Karadžić D., Milenković I., Jankovský L., Vuleta A., Solla A. 2015: Belowground infections of the invasive Phytophthora plurivora pathogen enhance the suitability of red oak leaves to the generalist herbivore Lymantria dispar. Ecological Entomology 40 (4): 479-482. (doi: 10.1111/een.12193).

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